Wege aus der Nikotinabhängigkeit

Anyone who smokes regularly or consumes nicotine-containing products knows how difficult nicotine withdrawal is. Here you will find ways out of nicotine addiction!

Anyone who smokes regularly or consumes nicotine-containing products will know how difficult nicotine withdrawal is. Nicotine addiction varies from person to person and depends on how long and often the products are taken.

We want to explain to you how nicotine addiction develops, what withdrawal symptoms you should expect and what ways there are from nicotine addiction.

What is nicotine addiction?

Nicotine addiction is the physical and psychological addiction to nicotine-containing products. Nicotine is a neurotoxin that originates from the tobacco plant and triggers a number of physical and mental reactions in humans. For example, nicotine boosts the production of the happiness hormone dopamine and makes consumers feel more relaxed. At the same time, taking it leads to an increase in adrenaline levels and the ability to concentrate increases. This is one of the reasons why tobacco-containing products such as snus are often taken by athletes .

Nicotine addiction occurs when the body can no longer do without taking it and demands a higher amount. As a result of consumption, more receptors are formed in the body to break down the neurotoxin. The more receptors are produced, the more nicotine must be ingested to achieve the same effect. It's a vicious circle that's hard to get out of. In the event of sudden withdrawal, the body reacts with unpleasant side effects.

The symptoms of nicotine addiction at a glance:

  • Strong craving for nicotine-containing products
  • Symptoms of non-intake
  • The body develops a tolerance and larger amounts must be taken
  • Other activities are neglected

What are the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine?

If you want to fight a nicotine addiction and quit smoking, you should first find out about the withdrawal symptoms. How long a nicotine withdrawal lasts depends on the severity of the addiction. Since nicotine, as already mentioned, increases dopamine production, withdrawal can initially lead to violent mood swings. Nicotine has the effect of suppressing negative feelings such as anxiety and nervousness, and if not taken, these can be increased. Furthermore, many report a poorer ability to concentrate and stay calm.

Smokers often cite the fear of gaining weight as a reason for quitting smoking. The fact is that nicotine dampens the appetite in the short term and food is often used as an alternative to smoking during withdrawal. However, researchers have found that nicotine increases the craving for food and stimulates the appetite in the long run. The weight gain would therefore also occur if you continued to smoke.

Smokers are best advised to look for alternative activities before starting withdrawal.

What are the ways out of nicotine addiction?

Cold turkey is arguably the fastest way to combat nicotine addiction. However, this way does not work for everyone, as the withdrawal symptoms can get out of hand. In this case, a gradual smoking cessation should be tried. Here, for example, the amount of nicotine ingested can be gradually reduced in order to get the body used to the omission. There are a variety of products that can be used to complete gradual withdrawal.

One of these products is snus. Snus is ground tobacco that can either be packaged in pouches or purchased in bulk. The strength of snus varies depending on the brand and can be gradually lowered during smoking cessation. When consumed, the product is not burned, which is why it contains fewer harmful substances than cigarettes and your fellow human beings are not disturbed by annoying smoke.

Conclusion – There are different ways out of nicotine addiction

A nicotine addiction describes a strong dependence on tobacco-containing products. There are two different ways out of nicotine addiction: Either consumption is stopped overnight or consumption is successively reduced. In both cases, withdrawal symptoms occur, such as nervousness or increased irritability.

In order to accustom the body to the failure, many experts advise a gradual cessation of nicotine consumption. Snus is one of the products that can help you with withdrawal.


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